The film is set around the time of the Battle of Crete and the Cretan resistance against the German occupation during World War II. The plot revolves around the kidnapping of Tasoula Vardinogianni by...
It is a film adaptation of the theatrical play by Kostas Thrakiotis. Smaro, a pretty young islander, obstinately refuses to marry the man her father has chosen for her, and he reveals to her that she ...
A Greek man joins the National Resistance against the Germans, but his fiancée thinks that he is abandoning her for another woman.
The peacefulness of a village is disturbed by the arrival of Rena, a rich girl from Athens. The girl in question settles in the village with her aunt and her little brother Loulis. The boy suffers fro...
The day after World War II, a girl falls in love with an English soldier, despite her father’s objections. The Englishman, as her father had predicted, abandons her as soon as he finds out that she ...
Two lazy friends (Mimis Fotopoulos and Ntinos Iliopoulos) find a job as ice-cream vendors to pay their back rent. When they start giving ice-cream to poor children for free, their boss, incensed, chas...
A family man (Vasilis Diamantopoulos) falls in love with a young woman (Daisy Mavraki) and pushes himself and his family to extreme situations.
Every time she thinks that her husband, Onoufrios, has gone somewhat astray, a bossy working woman, Glykeria, locks him up in the hen-house. Their daughter Bempa meets and falls in love with a hale an...